Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2013! I can not only say that I officially move back to Florida this year but also this month! I keep forgetting it's January! I'm hoping to leave by January 14th so if that is the case, I have 11 days left at home!

I've begun and have nearly finished packing. I've gotten a lot done I must say. I've gone through all of my clothes and thought long and hard about what I wore and what I didn't during my previous program and packed what I only found necessary. That being said, I've got a lot less that I'm taking this time around. Which is kind of strange because I now have plans to permanently stay in Orlando. But I'm happy with it!

If you're struggling with packing, put away your computer. Put away your phone (unless your iPhone is also your iPod...) and play some music to get you in a "packing mood". I've downloaded a ton of Disney Parks music onto mine and I play that when I pack (heck I play it all the time!) and it really helps me pack. Think of packing as cleaning out your room. Make sure it's clean and it looks like you're moving out! Maybe that's weird but it helps me!

On another note, I've been car searching. Can you spell stressful? There are so many decisions to be made and it's literally driving me nuts. Leasing vs. buying. New vs. used... it's just insane. I think I have finally made my decision and (if you're a Christian or believe in it) pray for me that I make the best decision possible. I really could use it!!

- Andrea


  1. 10 days left, how exciting!!!

    Whatever car you end up with, I'm sure you'll be happy :)
